Hi! I'm Kenna Bug
allow me to introduce myself
Let me just say that I'm completely OBSESSED with what I do. I get to hang out with new friends, explore epic locations, & capture beautiful moments for a living!
When I'm not behind the lens, you can catch me studying to become a nurse practitioner or working as a nurse in the Emergency Department! So if you need a Band-Aid during our shoot, I've gotchu. I love to travel to new places, eat banana creamies, window shop Free People clothes, and binge mindless Netflix dramas. I can't wait to meet you!
A few (very important) things you should know about me:
Favorite person:
My precious baby Archie!! He is my everything.
Dream travel spot:
Egypt pleeeeease!
Future goals
On my way to become a Family Nurse Practitioner and a world-renowned wedding photographer!
Favorite food:
Mangos all day erry day
Greatest accomplishment
I won the spelling bee in 3rd grade
Secret talent:
I am strangely good at cutting watermelon into perfect bite-sized pieces.
Medical history:
I am diagnosed with FOMOOF. Fear Of Missing Out On Food. I always want just "a bite" no matter what it is.
Guilty Pleasure
Indulging myself in all of the drama on the Bachelor/Bachelorette